The enthusiast art teacher at my secondary school piqued my interest in drawing and painting when I was eighteen years old. But my talent laid dormant for almost fifty years. Not until my retirement was on the horizon, I activated my talent by attending oil painting workshops and guided lessons in a physical painter's studio. Without any prior knowledge or experience I learned the fundamental basics of oil painting for beginners in late 2018 and 2019. From then on I have been sharpening my skills in colourful realism and realism-impressionism painting techniques. Fine art and landscape painting with special attention for brightness, contrast, sharpness, and blurriness give me a lot of satisfaction.
'I keep on making what I cannot yet do, in order to learn how to do it' (quote Vincent van Gogh, 1885)
Since 2024 I have been a member of KunstRondeVenen, a local association of visual artists in De Ronde Venen,
In this gallery I show you my achievements. My paintings are not for sale.

Bloemrijke akkerrand
Flowery field edge
Oil painting on canvas 40 x 60 cm (May 2024)

Iconische eik
Iconic oak tree
Oil painting on canvas 50 x 60 cm (April 2024)

Study of oil painting on oil paper 30 x 40 cm (April 2024)

IJzige zonsondergang
Icy sunset
Study of oil painting on oil paper 30 x 40 cm (March 2024)

Mystieke zonsopkomst
Mystic sunrise
Oil painting on canvas 50 x 60 cm (May 2023), given as a gift

Onder de kastanjes
Under the chestnut trees
Oil painting on canvas 60 x 120 cm (December 2022), given as a gift

Op klompen naar de maan en terug
On clogs to the moon and back
Oil painting on canvas 50 x 60 cm (October 2022)

Oil painting on canvas 40 x 80 cm (July 2022)

Oil painting on canvas 40x60 cm (April 2022, inspired by Spartaco Lombardo)

Zonnig bloemschikken
Arranging a sunny bouquet
Oil painting on canvas 40 x 50 cm (April 2022)

Hooiroken in een zomers weiland
Haycocks on a summer meadow
Study of oil painting on oil paper 40 x 50 cm (May 2022)

De Nederlandse droom van sneeuw, ijs en schaatsen
The Dutch dream of snow, ice and skating
Oil painting on canvas 50 x 60 cm (January 2022)

Stralende herfstkleuren
Radiant autumn colours
Oil painting on canvas 100x40 cm (November 2021)

Exotische schoonheid
Exotic beauty
Oil painting on canvas 50x60 cm (August 2021)

Half full colour
Oil painting on canvas 50x60 cm (April 2021)

Marten Looten
Rembrandt painting (1632)
Oil painting on canvas 40x50 cm (March 2021, Rembrandt painting)

Grootmoeders lieveling
Grandmother's darling
Oil painting on canvas 60x60 cm (December 2020)

Cows are my favourite animals. Always social, curious and playful.
Oil painting on canvas 60x40 cm (August 2020)

Verstilde winterwereld
Hushed silence of winter
Oil painting on canvas 40x50 cm (March 2020)

Idyllisch wegdromen
Dreaming away in an idyllic spot
Oil painting on canvas 50x60 cm (January 2020)

Kleurrijk buitenbeentje
Colourful outsider
Oil painting on canvas 30x40 cm (September 2019)

Hello, it's me
Portrait of singer Adele
Oil painting on canvas 30x40 cm (March 2019)

Wild en verfrissend
Wild and refreshing
Oil painting on canvas 40x50 cm (December 2018)
My second oil painting ever

Oil painting on canvas 30x30 cm (November 2018)
My first oil painting ever.